Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Metaphysical Poetry
- Applied to English and
continenetal European poets of
the 17th century
- Eclipsed in the 18th and 19th
century by Romantic and
Victorian poets.
- 20th century readers and scholars
saw Metaphysicals an attempt to
understand pressing political and
scientific upheavals.
- John Donne
- Described as most influential metaphysical poet
- personal relationship with spirituality is at the center of most his work.
- Psychological analysis and sexual realism
of his work marked a dramatic departure
from traditional respectable verse.
- Poetic style
- Philosphical and
spiritual subjects
approached with
reason and often
concluded in
- T.S Eliot saw in this group a capacity
for "devouring all kinds of experience"
- Concerned with the whole experience of man
- Profound areas of experience
- Love
- Romantic and sensual
- Mans relationship with God
- Less extent
- Pleasure
- Learning
- Art
- Lyric Poems
- Brief but intense meditations
- Use of wit, irony and wordplay
- Beneath the formal
structure (of rhyme,
metre and stanza) is the
underlying structure of
the poem's argument.
There may be two or
more kinds of argument
in a poem