
Social Science 5º Mindmap am POPULATION, erstellt von Blanca Francisco am 12/10/2020.
Blanca Francisco
Mindmap von Blanca Francisco, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Blanca Francisco
Erstellt von Blanca Francisco vor mehr als 4 Jahre
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. the information is collected in Spain by
    1. the national census
      1. taken every 10 years
        1. by the INE
        2. the municipal register
          1. local government
            1. published every year
          2. changes because of
            1. birth rate
              1. babies born for every 1000 people
              2. death rate
                1. people who die for every 1000 people
                2. life expectancy
                  1. average number of years that a person is expected to live
                  2. fertility rate
                    1. average number of children per woman
                    2. migration
                      1. movement of people from one country to another
                    3. Population groups
                      1. age
                        1. gender
                          1. place of residence
                            1. ethnic group
                              1. religion
                              2. Information can be represented in a
                                1. Pie chart
                                  1. show percentages %
                                  2. Bar chart
                                    1. Line graph
                                      1. to show changes in population
                                      2. Pyramid graph
                                        1. to show age groups
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                                      ähnlicher Inhalt

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                                      Remei Gomez Gracia
                                      The European Union
                                      Isabel Ffranciso
                                      Where we live in
                                      Natalia Ramos Escalada
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                                      Blanca Francisco
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                                      Inés H
                                      Spanish Constitution of 1978
                                      Rosa Gálvez Maldonado
                                      Matter, materials and mixtures
                                      LIVING TOGETHER
                                      MP LLORENS ESTARELLES