Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Phil HL - Karl Marx - Functionalist
- For
- Religion plays a part in social structure
- Caste system
- slavery (was justified)
- divine rights of kings
- religion is strong
among poor
immigrant groups
- Against
- people engage in religion purposes:
- psychological
- integrative
- explanitory
- secularisation
- Marx is no longer relevant
- the media plays the role
- There is no evidence that
religion will disappear when
oppression is removed
- examples of
religion leading
- racial equality
(MLK was a
- What is it?
- The ideal society is a communist one.
- no religion
- no classes
- In a non-communist society
there are:
- the proletariat (working class)
- bourgeoisie (middle & upper class)
- Marx believed one day the
proletariat would rise up
against the bourgeoisie
- Then there would be no need for religion.
- Religion:
- is a social construct
- numbs the pain of oppression
- promise of paradise
- 'the meek shall inherit the earth'
- there are
rewards in
the afterlife
for suffering
- Promotes the positions of the rulers (God given)
- justifies social order
- does not solve the
problem of
- (hope of supernatural intervention)
- 'Religion is the opium of the people'
- Religion is an ideological
smoke screen (it hides