

norse mythology Mindmap am Odin, erstellt von fizzyclare am 10/10/2013.
Mindmap von fizzyclare, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von fizzyclare vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. eldest son of bor and bestla (a frost giant)
    1. 2 younger brothers vili and ve
    2. Odin, vili & Ve kill the evil frost giant Ymir
      1. from it they created earth, the water, the heavens
      2. the dwarfs N, S, E , W
        1. used to prop up Ymirs skull which becomes the sky
        2. frost and rock giants dwell in jotunheim
          1. midgard is created from ymirs eyebrows
            1. odin brings man to life, vili sharp wits ve, sight and hearing
              1. called ask and embla
                1. originally trees: Ash & Elm
              2. Giantess Night and Day become their namesake
                1. two humans sun and moon
                2. Dwarves come from the maggots of ymir and live under ground
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