Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Evaluate the use of supply-side
policies to achieve economic
- S-S P are policies meant to influence the movement of AS by increasing
the potential/ productive capacity of an economy
- Econ Growth: Increase in Real GDP
- Evaluation
- Time Lag on Education and Training
- Will not show s-term benefits; only in the long run
- Some educations schemes may
not be relavant
- i.e. Madonna Studies will be
irrelavant to future work
- Other policies such as cutting interest
rates may actually be more effective
- Conflicts of S-SP
- Increased gov. spending & tax
can cause disincentives
- Depends on the Magnitude of the Change
- If it creates a private monopoly, it will cause
a worsening in competition and therefore will
not cause economic growth
- Privatization
- Improves Efficiency, more is produced
in econ therefore AS also shifts
- Increases Competition
therefore AS shifts outwards
- Education & Training
- Quality of Labor Improves, therefore
more people are working thus AS
shifts out
- More people are in work therefore consumption
rises causing AD to shift outwards
- Deregulation
- Allows firms to produce more as there is less
restriction by laws thus meaning AS shifts
- Increases competition within firms
- Promotion of Competition
- Increases production, AS
Shifts out
- Less Asymmetric Info therefore
consumers have as much knowledge as
the producers