Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Hungarian Revolution 1956
- It was an uprising that occurred against the communist
regime but with very high consequences, the death of Stalin
gave them hope that they could be freed
- It was a rebellion in the streets of Budapest to grant rights it was 16 pints
established by them, after Poland had already granted freedoms by rebellions
they intent ended to do the same
- The red army send a lot of tanks to calm the Hooligans
all over the city, almost 30,000 people were killed.
- WHY?
- After the WWII all Easter Europe suffered the consequences and
Russia established a communist regime in many countries.
- After 1945 the Hungarians were under the control of
Moscow and all the wealth was kept by the Russians
- References
- http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/hungarian_uprising_1956.htm