

Secondary school Maths Mindmap am Maths, erstellt von Jack Boyle am 06/05/2015.
Jack Boyle
Mindmap von Jack Boyle, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jack Boyle
Erstellt von Jack Boyle vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Stats
    1. Frequency Tables
      1. Mean,Mode,Median
        1. MIV
        2. Probability
          1. Dice,Coins,Cards
            1. 2 Way tables
              1. Tree diagrams
              2. Sets
                1. AuB,AnB,AuB'
                  1. Problem solving with venn diagram
                  2. Co-ord geometry
                    1. Dist,Mid pt,Slope,Equation
                      1. Pythagoras
                      2. Algebra
                        1. Factors
                          1. Diff of 2 Squares
                            1. Trinomials
                              1. Factors by grouping
                              2. Solving equations
                                1. QUADRATICS!
                                2. Simultaneous Equations
                                  1. Solving problems
                                3. Area and volume
                                  1. Cylinder,Cone,Sphere
                                  2. Applied Arithmetic
                                    1. % VAT
                                      1. Compound Interest
                                        1. Distance,Speed,Time
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