Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Jury
- What is a jury?
- A jury is a group of 12 people who
decide if an offender is guilty or not
- Any Canadian citizen
over 18 can be selected
for jury duty, some
exceptions apply
- What is a jury's responsibilites?
- A jury has to arrive on time.
- The jury has to make a
verdict based on the
evidence and the law.
- Advocacy Groups
- John Howard Society
- They try and advocate for the
prevention of crime. Making
sure people have what they
need to help work toward
preventing crime.
- Elizabeth Fry Society
- What do they do?
- Advocacy groups work independently from
the government. They: Try to solve
underlying reasons for crime, educate the
public about the justice system, help people
who've broken the law return to their
communities, call for measures to improve
the system, and stand up for the rights of
those who broke the law,
- They believe that
each case should be
looked at
Measures to help
people get back into
society is
- Elders
- Why are elders important?
- Elders have a high
spirituality and represent a
person molded by culture .
They know traditional
knowledge and language
and that can be important
to a young person. Culture
is an important part of
identity. It can help you
find balance. Elders should
be respected and
- Sentencing circles
- A sentencing circle involves the
members of a community. The idea
that when one person breaks the law, it
affects everyone in the community, so
the community is involved in the