Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Atomic Orbitals
- N= Energy Level
- Energy levels are labeled
numerically and increase with
distance away from the nucleus
- Principle Quantum
- L is always less than n
- n= 1, L= 0
n= 2, L=0, 1
n=3, L= 0,1,2
- The Energy Level will
always correspond to
the number of sublevels
- Each shape (L) of an
energy level (n) will
vary in orientation (mL)
- Orbital: The wave-like
behavior of an electron,
electron pair, or nucleons
- L= Shape of Orbital
- L= 0: S Orbital
L= 1: p Orbital
L= 2:d Orbital
L= 3:f Orbital
- Px= x axis
Py= y axis
Pz= diagonal
- Each P Orbital will
correspond with one
of these destinations
- S= Sublevel
- mL= magnetic quantum number
- Describes the Orientation
of the Orbital (where it lies on the axis)
- Will always vary
between L and -L
- mS= electron spin
- Can only spin in a clockwise, or
counter-clockwise direction
- Can be +1/2, or -1/2
- +1/2 is represented
with an up arrow
- -1/2 is represented
with a down arrow