Cytology By KonDA


Smart Konda
Ķóň Dą
Mindmap von Ķóň Dą, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ķóň Dą
Erstellt von Ķóň Dą vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Cytology By KonDA
  1. LM picture of Iron Hematoxylin stained mitochondria
    1. EM picture of cellmembrane of two adjacent cells
      1. EM picture of mitochondrian and rough endoplasmic reticulam
        1. EM picture of rough endoplasmic reticulam
          1. EM picture of smooth endoplasmic reticulam
            1. EM picture of gologi apparatus
              1. LM Picture of gogli apparatus in nerve cell (silver stain )
                1. LM picture of gologi apparatus in epididymis (silver stain
                  1. EM Picture of lysosomes
                    1. EM picture of ribosomes
                      1. LM picture of spotty basophilia (Nissle granules) in nerve cell
                        1. EM picture of cenriole (TS)
                          1. EM picture of cilia
                            1. EM picture of nuclues (Euchromatin)
                              1. EM picture of nuclues (Heterochromatin)
                                1. LM picture of fat cells (H&E)
                                  1. LM picture of fat cells (Sudan lll)
                                    1. LM picture of gycogen in liver cells (best ` carmine)
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