Reported Speech


Mindmap am Reported Speech, erstellt von Mercedes Olazarán am 09/05/2015.
 Mercedes Olazarán
Mindmap von Mercedes Olazarán, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
 Mercedes Olazarán
Erstellt von Mercedes Olazarán vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Reported Speech
  1. Statements
    1. Present simple-Past simple
      1. Present continuous-Past continuous
        1. Past simple-Past perfect simple
          1. Present perfect simple-Past perfect simple
            1. Present perfect continuous-Past perfect continuous
              1. Past continuous-Past perfect continuous
                1. Will-Would
                  1. May/Might-Might
                    1. Must-Must/Had to
                      1. Can-Could
                        1. Today-That day
                          1. Tomorrow-The next/following day
                            1. Tonight-That night
                              1. Next week-The next/following week
                                1. Ago/Before
                                  1. Last week-The previous week/The week before
                                    1. Yesterday-The previous day/The day before
                                      1. This/These-That/Those
                                        1. Here/There
                                        2. Questions
                                          1. Wh(...)?
                                            1. There is no inversion of subject and verb
                                              1. "Where are you?" - He asked me where I was
                                            2. Yes/No
                                              1. We use IF or WhETHER
                                                1. "Can you do it?" - They asked me IF I could do it
                                                2. We do not use the auxiliary verb DO
                                                  1. "Do you like music?" - She asked me if I liked music
                                              2. Other reporting verbs
                                                1. NEED to be followed by a person
                                                  1. Warn-Remind-Tell
                                                  2. NOT followed by a person
                                                    1. Explain-Add-Claim-Admit-Agree-Announce-Claim-Say-
                                                  3. Other reporting structures
                                                    1. verb+infinitive
                                                      1. Agree, Claim, Offer, Promise, Refuse
                                                      2. verb+object+infinitive
                                                        1. Advise, Ask, Forbid, Insctruct, Tell, Order, Remind, Warn, Recommend
                                                        2. verb+gerund
                                                          1. Admit, Advise, Deny, Regret, Recommend, Suggest
                                                          2. verb+preposition+gerund
                                                            1. Apologize for, Insist on, Object to, Confess to
                                                            2. verb+-object+preposition+gerund
                                                              1. Accuse somebody of, Congratulate somebody on, Criticise somebody for, Warn somebody against
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