Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Labour Advantages
- 1929-1931 failures overlooked.
- Media allies.
- Suitable for post-war reconstruction.
- Members of
wartime govt. e.g.
Cripps and Bevin.
- Played on topics of "poverty" and "mass unemployment."
- Strong campaign.
- Conservative Disadvantages.
- No clear purpose.
- No 'land fit for heroes.'
- Accused of obstructing NHS.
- Churchill not
committed to
Conservative party.
- Associated with 1930s depression.
- War Context.
- War weariness.
- Rumoured
Churchill wanted
war with Russia.
- General election 2 weeks
after the war.
- War propaganda =
Labour policy.
- Churchill.
- 'Radical days were over'
meant there was no real
reason to vote for him.
- Seen as a war lord not a
peace time PM.
- Churchill, not the Conservatives,
popular = few new supporters.
- Voting System.
- FPTP meant that 50% voted against Labour
(however 48% still relatively high amount.)
- Labour had 30,522 votes per seat, Conservatives had 46,893 votes
per seat.
- Campaign Tactics.
- Scare tactics e.g. Gestapo.
- Speeches only impressed obvious
Conservative supporters.
- Adversary politics,