Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- energy is never lost only transferd
- types
- heat/ thermal
- light
- electrical
- sound
- kinetic/ movement
- chemical enrgy
- nuclear energy
- gravitationl
- eleastic
potential energy
- thermal
- conduction
- movement of heat
through a abject
without the object
- metal is a good
conducter but
wood is bad
- convection
- basically heat rising then dropping
creating swirls of heat
- happens in kettles to make hot water
- radiators use it to heat a room
- energy resorces
- renewable
- wind turbine
- kinetic- eletrical
- water turbine
- kinetic- eletrical
- wave power
- solar pannels
- dam power
- geothermal
- non renewable
- coal
- oil
- fossil fuels
- kinetic theory
- solid to liqued = melting
- liquid to gas = evaportaion or boiling
- particals in a liquid have a randome
motion within a close packed
irregular structure
- particals in a solid vibrate
about a fixed point within a
close packed regular