Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Set Text: Mark 1:1
- 'The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God
- Gospel
- 'Good News'
- 4 Gospels telling the life and work of Jesus
- Jesus
- Was an ordinary and common name
- Coming
from the
- Meaning 'to save lives'
- Son of God
- Title of great honour
- Would never have meant
literally 'Son of God'
- Christ
- Title
- By later Christians
- Comes from Greek word translated to: Christos
- Meaning 'chosen' (by God) for
a special task
- And Hebrew word translating to 'Messiah'
- Mark's gospel
is biased: it is
a book of faith
- It is very positive and it
portrays his faith and the
community's faith about
the life of Jesus
- Written after the
event and seeing
the significance of
the man Jesus