Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Goods
- Products or items which can be brought and sold
- food
- clothes
- furniture
- Services
- Supplying a commodity or doing work
for another,usually involving payment.
- water
- electrictricty
- telephone
- Needs
- food
- water
- shelter
- Wants
- MP3 players
- Cars
- Needs and Wants vary
from *Age, *Culture
and *Circumstances
- Consumer Rights
- the right to Honest and
Truthful informatiom
- the right to Choice
- the right to Value for Money
- the right to Safety
- the right to redress
- Responsibilities
- to know their
rights as a
- to be well informed about
goods and servives
- to educate
about consumer
- to uses resources and
to avoid waste