Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Theories of development
- Behaviourism
- Classical conditioning
- Pavlov
- Watson
- Operant conditioning
- Skinner
- Emphasis on environment
- Child - 'a blank slate'
- Social learning theory (Bandura)
- Reinforcement not necessary
- Learn though modelling/observation
- Environment
- 4 inter-related factors to learning
- Constructivism
- Piaget
- Stages of development
- Light (1979) - the chipped beaker
- Emphasis on environment
- Interaction of environment (learning) and biology (maturation)
- The learning individual
- Ping pong model
- Social constructivism (Vygotsky)
- Interaction of environment and biology
- Emphasis - society & culture
- 'the learning group member'
- The Wolf pack model (group learning)
- Social learning
- Nativism (Chomsky)
- Biology
- Child a 'pre-programmed' organism
- Teaching - no intervention required
- Snowball effect model