Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Arch 2 all the topics
- post excavation
- sexing
- ageing
- analysing faunal remains
- qualifying animal bones
- molluses and insects
- analysis of plant remains
- metallographic Analysis
- pottery/ceramics
- Lithics
- Dating methods
- abosute
- dendrocronolgy
- amino acid racimisation
- TL
- radio carbon
- potasum argon dating
- obsidian hydration dating
- excavation
- diffrent types of archaological investigation
- watch brief
- desk based assessment
- archaeologyical feild excavation
- archaeological excavations
- two basic dimentions
- horezontal
- veritical
- the importance of context
- health and safety
- exavation methods
- sondage
- trenches
- box grids
- quadrant system
- open area
- underwater Archaeology
- specialist equipment
- possitives
- negatives
- the mary rose
- recording techniques
- photographs
- written records
- on site recovery methods
- froth flotation
- used to detect ting organic remains
- seeds shells,pips, fish bones
- how?
- 1) a sample of soil is placed
in the flotation tank
- 2) parafin is then addednto the tank which then
selectively coats itself to organic matter- this
increases surface area
- 3) detergant is then added to the tank
and flotation is speed up
- 4) Organic matter floats to the surface which can
then be skimmed off and dried and sorted
- sieving
- diffrent sized sieves to find
small finds
- ppg16
- pre excavation
- aerial photography
- geophysical survey
- earthwork/ field suvey
- sampling statgies
- random
- stratified
- sistimatic
- hachures
- desktop survey
- field walking