Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Learning as
- Devel of Peer Sociability
- Yr 1
- Smiles & babbles at 6m
- Brief reciprocal interactions at 1yr
- 1-2
- Mutual imitation
- Minimal verbal
- 2+
- Use lang to
reciprocal play
- Interactions are positive &
kids show enjoyment
- Role of Solitary play
- Some are
socially anxious
- Some are less mature in play
- Solitary play is constructive
- Only certain types are cause for concern
- Wandering
- Repetitive
- Declines with age
- Takes a lot of preschoolers time
- Parten (1932)
- Middle Childhood
- School is particularly important
- Role of emotional & social skills
- Non-organic
- Psychological cause
- Organic/Brain damage
- Evolution
- Fitness & Natural selection
- Species respond to
changing environmental
conditions through change
- Limits
- Slow way of coping with change
across many generations
- No uses in helping indivs
faced with abrupt change
- Innate behaviours
- Fixed action patterns
- Elicited by condition/stim
- Cocoon building in hunting spider
- Eibl-Eibesfeldt (1970)
- Humans
- Eibl-Eibesfeldt (70s & 80s)
- Smiling is universal
- Modulation of Simple Behavs
- Habituation/Dishab
- When stim is no longer familiar, dishab
- Habituation advantage
- Prevents wasted
energy/time on
non-functional behav
- Dishab. advantage
- Must be there to serve purpose if needed