Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- reproduction
- male reproductive organs
- testes
- sperm
- tail for swimming
- head holds enzymes which burrow through the egg
- urethra
- sperm ducts
- penis
- female reproductive organs
- vagina
- ovary
- eggs/ovum
- massive food reseves
- egg is like enlarged cell
- uterus
- uterine lining
- menstrual cycle
- periods
- 28 day cycle
- cervix
- contraception
- condoms
- combined pill/mini pill
- I.U.D
- diaphragm and spermicide
- sterilization
- safe period
- birth
- 9 months
- stagees of pregnancy
- foetus
- embryo
- fertilzed egg
- ambilical cord
- contractions
- placenta
- puberty
- girls
- pubic hair
- breasts grow
- hips widen
- periods start (menstrual cycle)
- thisghs get fatter
- boys
- pubic hair
- penis grows
- facial hair
- testes produce sperm
- fertilization
- egga and sperm meet
- sperm carrys half nucleus
- egg carrys half nucleus
- egga and sperm sex cells