Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Networks and Trade
- Archaic and Classical
- Modernist Economy
- Essentially modern
- Primitivist Economy
- Embedded, no distinct sphere
- Trade- economic sphere, professional, profit
- Exchange- embedded, market-based, redistribution
- Commodities
- slaves
- wine/grain/oil
- nuts/olives/fish
- timber and stone
- metals and ores
- textiles and hides
- perfumes and cosmetics
- Pottery
- Positivist fallacy- how much survives does not equate to how important it was in the past
- Used as cheaper alternative to metalwork?
- East Med
- Egypt
- Gains much tribute at greatest extent, C15BCE, from vassal kingdoms
- Egyptian material found in Cyprus (via the Levant?)
- Amarna Letters- 382 letters between Egypt and the Levant concerning trade
- Mycenae
- Pictures of Myceneans on Egyptian tombs?
- Mycenean pottery found throughout the Mediterranean
- Wrecks
- Point Iria, 1200BCE
- Cypriot, Cretan and Mycenean cargo- indicated regularity
- Cape Gelidonya 1200BCE
- Cypriotic metalworking tools and ingots, along with personal possessions
- Ulu Burun C14BCE
- Royal cargo? Raw materials, 354 copper ingots, luxury items (eg: pomegranate for perfumes), perhaps referred to in Amarna letters
- Roman
- Problems of preservation
- Grain, Annona comes into ports at Ostia and Iulius
- Slaves C2 taken as war booty, Epirus sees 150,000/day, by C1 there are 2-3 mill in Itlay
- Elite benefit as villas create trade items
- Entitled to more food surplus and can produce more
- Taxes benefit all
- 5% for provinces
- 25% for elsewhere
- Ships
- Merchant 100/500tons
- Grain 1000tons and size and durability for open seas
- Wrecks
- Amphora and Marble better preserved
- Locations limited to diving spots
- Albegna 100BCE
- 10,000 amphora
- 260,000l wine
- value over one million
- 40m in length
- Madrague de Giens 60-50BCE
- 1635 fine and coarseware
- amphora of standard size, stamped with estate owners seal
- capacity 5800-7800
- Tektas Burnu C5BCE
- 200 wine amphora
- 10 mendean
- 9 full of pitch
- 1 of butchered cow bones- cargo or crew?
- Large cups used for measuring?
- Pabuc Burnu C6BCE
- 250-275 amphora
- wine and oil suggested by seeds and pits
- 6 hull planks remain
- comes at point of transition
- larger, sturdier ships
- longer journeys and worse weather
- less but more specialised maintenance
- more formalised trade networks? professionalism
- local amphora means local trade
- non-standard amphora suggests different measuring methods
- mortaria found on board?
- takes time but builds trust