Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Psychological &
- Biological Explanations
- Neural Mechanisms
- Researchers have suggested
damage to the Hypothalamus
specifically the lateral
hypothalamus ( controls hunger).
- Animal studies: Lesion studies
show that damage to the LH
can produce aphagia (failure to
eat) in animals.
- Recent research suggests that anorexics have reduced blood flow to the LH
- Can't infer cause and effect
whether the reduced blood flow is an
effect of the disorder
- Heatherington Et al (1943) - VMH rats
- Used a particular breed of rat, they made lesions to the VMH and found that
this led to hyperphagia(over eating) . They concluded that it was the satiety
centre as it was normally activated when the animal was full or satiated at
the end of a meal to stop further feeding
- Should be cautious when extrapolating
data from animals, then generalising to all
humans (validity)
- Evolutionary
- Adapted to Flee Famine Hypothesis
- Guisinger (2003) A long time ago our HG ancestors often
had to move rapidly from place to place in search of food. If
someone is lacking energy, their bodies wouldn't normally
be able to cope with so much travelling around.
- Key characteristics of anorexia: restlessness and high levels of
activity. Which is contrasted with the usual response to starvation
or weight loss (inactivity)
- Argues that the body has adapted to survive in starvation
mode and allowed HG's to move around despite being under
weight. The denial of hunger would help the person to
migrate ( famine in the area): Some anorexics show starvation
can lead to high levels of restlessness and energy (with little
food)= greater chance of survival.
- IDA: Reductionist- Evolutionary theory states that
maladaptive behaviors should decrease as we evolve.
However anorexia rates are increasing, meaning that other
factors must be involved
- Evolutionary theory: unfalsifiable- All
theories are based on assumption and
researchers can t conduct experiments
to back up their theories as it was all
done in our past
- Cant explain gender differences:
Less than 15% of anorexia diagnosis
is male.
- Psychological Explanations
- Social Learning Theory
- Individuals will observe the behavior of models. These may be
peers, parents or those in the media. Those in the media
particularly may be more likely to be imitated due to the
process of vicarious learning. The individuals will imitate the
models behaviors in the hope of the same rewards
- Supporting Study: Barlow Et al (1995): found
that over half on contestants in the 'Miss
America' beauty contest were 15% or more
below the expected body weight for their
- We tend to see skinny as attractive in society. People are more
likely to imitate these figures in order to gain the reward of fame (
Vicarious Reinforcement)
- Further evaluation: Can
explain gender differences,
Can explain the increase
prevalence due to more
exposer to the media and
role models getting skinnier
( real life application)
- Cognitive plays a role. It is
young women who are
already vulnerable who are
more likely to be effected by
the SLT however maybe
biological factors make us
more vulnerable (Diathesis
Stress Model)
- Behaviorist Theory
- Classical Conditioning: Leitberg Et al (1968) argued that anorexics may
have learnt to associate eating with anxiety. Eating too much makes
people insecure due to becoming overweight and unattractive. They
therefore seek to loose weight ti reduce their anxiety. Weight loss is
negatively reinforced, due to the absence of anxiety
- Operant Conditioning:
- 1.Lose weight
- 2.Reinforcement: Receives praise and attention for small weight loss
- 3.Individuals feel good about them selves and want to loose more weight
- 4.Loss of weight becomes associated with attention from others and feeling good about themselves
- 5.Lose weight
- This acts as the second part of the process, food
avoidance can be rewarding or reinforcing
because it is a good way of gaining attention.
Compliments= Positive reinforcement TV and
getting bullied= Negative reinforcment
- Ignores cognitive processes which are clearly present as they are in the criteria
- Real life implication: Therapies that rewarded patients for maintaining certain
weights have been proven as effective
- However not as effective compared to combining the behavioual explanation and cognitive processes.