digestion/microorganisms and pathogens


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Mindmap von Mary-Jane, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
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digestion/microorganisms and pathogens
  1. a pathogen must; gain entry, colonise the tissue, resist defences and cause damage to the tissues
    1. eg bacteria, viruses am fungi
      1. the enter though gass exchange eg flue and food thought the digestive system e.g cholera
        1. defence mechanisms so that pathogeens do not enter are like thick mucus in the nose to trap air pathogens, stomach acid that kills pathogens and skin thats impermeable and also enzymes that break down pathogens
          1. pathogens cause damage in two ways 1, they release toxins like cholera's pathogen which causes toxins which leads to diarhea and 2, they damage the hosts tissue eg flu stops DNA and RNA synthesis
          2. main roles in digestion
            1. the mouth, once food enters the the mouth amilyase is added (present in the saliva) which helps break down the large carbohydrates into maltose
              1. the stomach contains enzymes that digest proteins into amino acids, it also produceses a lot of mucus to protect the stomach from all the acidity
                1. small intestines where digestion happens, lots of enzymes present in and on wall
                  1. pancreas, pancreatic juice which contains protease which digests lipids, starch and proteins
                  2. two types of digestion
                    1. physical
                      1. where the food is broken down a churned in the stomach which increases the surface area making it easier for the enzymes to act
                      2. chemical
                        1. large insoluble molecules are broken down in to smaller soluble molecules by a process called hydrolysis done by enzymes
                      3. monomers and polymers
                        1. lots of monomers togethermake a polymer
                          1. eg, M-glucose P-carbohydrates M-amino acid P-protein M-glycerol and fatty acid P-lipids
                          2. monosaccaharides
                            1. eg glucose C6H12O6
                            2. sucrose= glucose and fructose lactose=glucose and galactose and maltose = glucose and maltase
                            3. a reducing sugar is one that donates one electron to a chemical
                              1. test for a reducing sugar, benedict tesr
                                1. 1, make sure its liquid or solid disolved in liquid
                                  1. 2, add an equal volume of benedict solution
                                    1. 3, heat in a water bath
                                      1. if there are reducing sugars present the solution will turn a orange-brown colour
                                    2. glycosidic bond
                                      1. this happens when 2 alpha glucous' bond by removing a H2O molecile
                                      2. non- reducing sugars test
                                        1. first you must add hydrochloric acid and heat the solution, then add sodium charbonate an dmake sure its neutralised the acid and then preform the benedict test
                                        2. starch test
                                          1. add iodine to the solution if it turns blue black then starch is present
                                          2. lactose intolerence
                                            1. found in milk and other dairy products
                                              1. due to the lack of enzyme lactase (faulty gene) which breaks down lactose which is found in dairy producta causes indigestion and gas build up
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