Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Civil War
- Abraham Lincoln
- The President of the Union during the
Civil War
- Monitor and Merrrimac
- new type of ship clad in iron
- Emancipation Proclomation
- freed all slaves that were
rebellious to Union
- Draft law
- forced men b/w ages 18-45 to
join war or pay 300 dollars or
find replaement
- Bounty jumping
- soldiers attempted to get
paid multiple times for joing
- Gettysburg Adress
- given at battlefield. Moral reason
to fight war. Unify North.
- 13th amendment
- no slavery
- General George McClellan
- Commander of Union forces in the east and Lincoln's
opponent in the 1864 election. He tended towards
- Antietam
- McClellan put back in charge AGAIN. McClellan got Lee's battle
plans but waited to make THE PERFECT attack. By this time Lee
came up w a new plan; it ended on a draw (BLOODIEST BATTLE) on
Sep 17,1862. But, gave Lincoln the "Victory" he needed to
announce the emancipation proclomation
- General Ulysses S.
- Leader of Union forces in
West and later named
- Wilderness campaign
- Grant wanted Vicksburg cuz it was key to
Mississippi. Cut army loose from supplies and
w/i 5 days Port Hudson fell, and w/i week ALL
ports fell
- General Sherman
- General Sheridan
- Responsible for surrounding Lee and forcing his surrender in 1865
- Led a march from Atlanta to
Savanna and declared "Total
- Sherman'/s March to Sea
- Burned down Atlanta. Going to Atlantic ocean
destroying a path 60 miles wide and 300 miles long. NO
MERCY! This helped Lincoln win another term.
- Jefferson Davis
- President of the Confederate states of America
- Stonewall Jackson
- Defended Confederacy at First battle
of Bull Run, and was later killed by
friendly fire
- Robert E. Lee
- The most respected Confederate General. Asked
to lead Union forces, ut he declined because of
his love for Virginia.
- Meade (Union) followed Confederates. Finally at Gettysburg they
fought. After 3 DAYS: Lee lost and began his retreat on July 4,1856
- Anaconda plan
- Squeeze life out of South by cutting off all