Lotions & Potions


Mindmap am Lotions & Potions, erstellt von 46321 am 15/10/2013.
Mindmap von 46321, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
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Lotions & Potions
  1. Formulas
    1. Molecular Formula- Gives the number of each type of atom in a compound E.g. Butane C4H10
      1. Expaned Structual Formula- Gives the arrangment of atoms in a molecule indicating how the atoms are bonded together.
        1. Condensed Structual Formula- The number of each atom grouped E.g. Butane CH3CH2CH2CH3
          1. General Formula- Shows in gernral terms the ration of atoms in a compound. Uses to describe homologous series- Alkanes and Alcohols
          2. Homologous Series
            1. Alcohol, Alkane & Carboxylic acid
            2. Suffix
              1. Alcohol- anol Alkane- ane Carboxylic acid-anoic acid
              2. Prefix
                1. Meth- Eth- Prop- But- Pent- Hex- Hept- Oct- Non- Dec-
                2. Hydrophilic
                  1. A substance that attracts water, dissolves in water and combines with water
                  2. Hydrophobic
                    1. A substance that repels water, doesn't dissolve in water and tend not to combine with water
                    2. Acid and Alkalis
                      1. Acids & Alkalis are corrosive
                      2. Soaps
                        1. Both hydrophilic & hydrophobic. Hydrophilic-head & Hydrophobic- Tail
                        2. Grease, Oils & Fat
                          1. Grease, oils &fat are triesters (3 esters joined together by alcohols) Esters can be broken down by alkalis to from alcohols and soaps. When a weak alkali is put on your skin which has oil on it- the alkali breaks the ester linkages of the oil to form soap and the feeling on your skin is slippery.
                          2. Micel
                            1. Cleaning away grease. Soap molecules arrange themselves around grease so that the hydrophobic tails attract to the grease & the hydrophilic heads attract to the water. The grease is broken up into small globules & can then be rinsed away in water.
                            2. Skin
                              1. Is a bipholipid layer. The heads stick out & the tails in. This stops water geting into the cell membrane.Alkalis are caustic and ca n break the ester bonds keeping the skin (cell membrane) together. The layer breaks down surronding the cells & the cells burst.
                              2. Hydrocarbons
                                1. Are organic compounds which contain carbon & hydrogen. Found in crude oil and natural gas. Are formed from the decay of organic matter in a limited supply of oxygen. Can be used directly (e.g. motor fuels or solvents) or can be turned into a range of other useful products (e.g. polymers such as plastics). Several different homologous series of hydrocarbons.
                                2. Alkanes
                                  1. Contain single C-C covalent bonds. General formula- CnH2n+2. Have an ___ane ending in their name. Simplest alkane is methane CH4. Are saturated (e.g. no more hydrogren atoms can be aded to their molecules.) Mixtures of alkanes ar found in common fuels such as CNG, LPG, petrol, diesel &kerosene.
                                  2. Alcohol
                                    1. Functional group- OH. Have an ____anol ending in their name. Simplest alcohol is methanol CH3OH. Are soluble in water (dissolve). Solubility decreases as their molecualr size increase. Methanol- very soluble to Decanol- slightly soluble
                                    2. Fermentation
                                      1. Chemical Process in which microorganisms such as yeast act on carbohydrates to produce ethanol and carbon dioxide.
                                      2. Carboxylic Acid
                                        1. Contains Carbon & Hydroxide & Carbon double bonded to oxyge. Belong to a homologous series of organic compounds similar to alkanes and alcohols. Functional group___ COOH (carbonyl group)
                                        2. Molecule
                                          1. A group of atoms chemically bonded together
                                          2. Combustion
                                            1. Scientific word for buring. Type of chemical reaction. Three things are required for combustion to take place. These are oxygen, fuel & heat. Often shown in the fire triangle. Removing any one of these will make the fire go out.
                                              1. Complete Combusion word equation: Hydrocarbon + excess (more than enough) Oxygen combust to Carbon Dioxide Gas & Water Vapour Symbol equation: CH4 +O2 -> CO2+H20
                                                1. Incomplete Combustion word equation: Hydrocarbon + insufficent Oxygen combust to Carbon Monoxide Gas or both Solid Carbon & Water Symbol equation: CH4 + O2 -> C +H20
                                                2. Lime Water Test
                                                  1. To test for Carbon Dioxide. When the lime water changes from clear to milky liquid.
                                                  2. Cobolt Chloride Paper
                                                    1. To test for Water. The paper changes colour from blue to pink.
                                                    2. Carbon Monoxide
                                                      1. Is dangerous because it stops the blood absorbing oxygen so the blood delivers carbon dioxide to all the body cells. Which then become delayed becasue carbon monoxide gas is posinous. The result is brain damage or death.
                                                      2. Universal Indicators
                                                        1. Change from yellow to red when an acid is present
                                                        2. Esters
                                                          1. Are formed by a reaction joining an alcohol to a carboxylic acid. They are scented and have fruity smells. Used to make artificial flavours. You need a liebig condenser, round bottom flask, heating mantle & clamp/stand. You add sulfuric acid because it is a catalyst- speeds up the reaction. We heat the mixture so it can evaporate and speed up the reaction time. Purpose of liebig condenser is that the evaporated gases are cooled inside the condenser by the cold water, then drop back down. At the end sodium carbonate is added to the mixture to neutralise it.
                                                            1. Reflux Method-
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