Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Mental health and inequality - ROGER GOMM
- Link between health and material conditions well known
- For nearly every kind of illness, disease or disability ... poorer people are affected more than richer people
- More often
- More seriously
- For longer
- They die younger
- Second highest cause of death for younger men
- Shows a very strong relationship with social class and deprivation
- Close link with alcoholism
- Alcoholism: more linked with unskilled, the unemployed and the roofless
- severe drug problems more prevalent in poorer areas
- Strong social class profile
- Poorer you are more likely to be miserable
- More accident prone
- Strongly associated with coronary disease
- Self harming shows same class pattern
- Schizophrenia
- 3 x more likely with those of working class origin
- Genetic link
- Causal deprivation link
- Mental illness and deprivation may lie in prolonging and increasing the severity
- of a condition caused by something else
- Dementia
- Greater prevalence among lower socio-economic group
- Though skewered by fact that lower class people survive less into old age.
- Eating disorders more prevalent amongst middle class
- No clear social pattern Bipolar - though possibly more common amongst middle class
- Manic depression end up in lower paid or unemployed positions
- Residential segregation is associated with mental ill health