Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Votes for Women Revision
- why?
- oppertunities in work amd careers
- The rights of women in marriage - to be
able to divorce
- to vote
- to be equal/have the same rights as men
- 1889: Women's Franchise League takes up rights
of married women and campaigns for equality in
divorce, inheritance and custody of children
- 1890's developments
- 1891:free and compulsary education for all W-C
children up to 12
- 1894: Parish Council Act permits women to serve
on councils
- 1896: Factory act ban children under 11 in
factories. Women cannot be employed after 4
weeks of birth
- 1897: NUWSS is formed
- 1901: factory act reduces women's hours
- Suffragists
- peaceful
- law-abiding
- mainly middle class
- by 1902 working class
- 1897
- over 500 brances
- first formed
- leader - Millicent Fawcett
- leaflets, petitions, organised meetings
- gained support of liberal MPs, some conservative MPs and Labour
- back bench liberals supporters but leaders were not
- worried if women got vote they'd vote conservative
- conservative like prospect of more votes but their backbenchers were opposed
- peaceful pilgramage
- Suffragetts
- violent
- not law-abiding
- frustated by lack of success
- 1903
- Emmeline Pankurst
- radiacal and militant
- Edith New chained herself to rainlings in
downing street
- threw stones at windows in downing street
- set fire to churches and buildings
- pankhurst and chstabel imprisioned after
rushing house of commons
- christabel, daughter, wrote a book 'the
great scourge and how to end it'
- married men used protitutes -
caught STDs and infected their
wives, causing suffering, VfW
women self-reliant, stop
expoiltation, clean living, high
moral standards
- others went to prison
and went on hunger
- forcefed - brutal - won sympathy
- wanting to make it a serious issue
- to cause news to get it publisised
- some sympathetic, some worried, some scornful
- at first suffragists were proud but later
did not like their violent actions and
relationship was more strained
- Emily Davison
- educated
- 1st class honours
at oxford - but
couldnt take her
degree as she was
a woman
- born 1872 - died 8 june 1913
- joined WSPU in 1906
- full time militant suffragette from 1908
- acted on her own
- imprisoned 9 times, forcefed 49 times
- 1912 threw herself down stairs
in prison - permanent injuries
- 4 june 1913 - fatally injured when
she stepped infront of kings horse
on derby day
- died 4 days later
- version of event 1 -
committed suicide
for womens
sufferage -
attention in most
public area to draw
attention - martyr
- footage clearly shows
she jumped out, arms
wide open - head on
- version of
event 2 -
publicity stunt
gone wrong -
publicity -
banner to
- was seen
practicing stopping
- for
- women pay taxes like men
- parliaments decisions affect
both men and women
- many uneducated working men can
vote but well-educated, respectable
women can't
- special skills and
expertise. help
make better laws
on education and
the home
- can already
vote in local
elections and
serve as local
gov bodies
and ed
trusted and
- should be able to influence on how money is spent
- increasing
oppertunities in
ed and work -
vote should be
- spirtitual spine of nation, churchgoers,
christain leadership
- single or widowers share
same responsibilites as me
- against
- women are not rational - too emotional
- pure, protected from grubby world of politics
- middle-class women will have little
interest in helpimg ordinary working
- men and women have
different interests and
- women homemakers & mothers,
men debate and take difficult
- do not fight in the war, so
shouldn't have a say in
whether country goes to
- there are more
pressing concerns eg
ireland and trade
- giving vote to women
means to all men
including riffraff &
- women would
become hateful,
discusting, weaker
- different spheres
- views represented by husband
- by 1914 approx 20% women workers in a union - similar to men
- how effective were both campaigns up to 1914?
- suffragettes
- votes for women mag - circulation of approx 40,000 1914
- clear and effective
- striking posters and pamphlets -
quite new
- publicity - hyde park - boit sailed with
flying flags and posters
- made it impossible for them to be ignored -
violent actions
- bravery, commitment - admiration
- treated roughly - forcefed - sympathy
- sympathy as individuls but not
for cause - violence alienated
- many left to join the suffragists
- orginally quite labour - then parted for some
women with property
- Suffragists
- in branches they were also interested in trade unions, working conditions, charity and education
- more important than WSPU
- developed large organisations - over 500
branched and approx 100,000 members
- excellent organisation
- able to convince labour party and used their fame to publise to labour party
- they were filmed - important
for publicity of movement -
dignified, organiesd,
- both abandon their campaign to help war effort
- 1918 - 14 dec women over 30 can vote in general election
- women over 30 can become MPs
- 1928 voting age for women 21
- WW1
- political
- coalition gov
- supporters of VFW
- David Lloyd George
- joined army
- made munition
- replaced men in work place
- proved to be equal
- bus conductors, taxi drivers, dock workers, shop assitants etc