Human Resource Development


Mindmap am Human Resource Development, erstellt von Crystal Kok am 25/05/2015.
Crystal Kok
Mindmap von Crystal Kok, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Crystal Kok
Erstellt von Crystal Kok vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Human Resource Development
  1. Functions
    1. Training & Development
      1. process of enhancing the effectivness of an organisation and the well-being of its members through planned interventions
      2. Organisational Development
        1. focuses on the changing and improvement of knowledge, skills and attitudes of individuals
        2. Career Development
          1. ongoing process by which individuals progress through series of stages, each of which is characterised by a relatively unique set of issues, themes and tasks
        3. set of systematic and planned activities designed by an organisation to provide its members with the opportunities to learn necessary skills to meet current and future job demands
          1. Process
            1. Step 1: Assessment
              1. Training Needs Analysis
              2. Step 2: Design
                1. Prioritise needs to design program
                2. Step 3: Implementation
                  1. Choosing of the date, time and venue according to employees' needs/wants
                  2. Step 4: Evaluation
                    1. collection of descriptive and judgemental information to make effective design on future trainings
                  3. Challenges Faced
                    1. Competing in a Global Economy
                      1. Better technology requires better-educated and training workers to compete in the increasingly sophisticated market. In addition, organisations will also need to institute quality improvement processes and introduce change efforts.
                      2. Eliminating the Skills Gap
                        1. Lack of skilled workers able to perform job up-to-standards
                        2. Increasing Workforce Diversity
                          1. HRD professionals have to handle the differences in opinions and views from different people
                          2. Facilitating Organisational Learning
                            1. facilitate the transition from traditional learning programs to three important factors
                          3. Roles of HRD Professionals
                            1. Change Agents
                              1. Trainers
                                1. Employee Development
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                                ähnlicher Inhalt

                                Spanisch Einstufungstest Niveau B1.2
                                Öffentliches Recht - Grundrecht
                                LEK 1-1
                                Vokabeltest Italienisch
                                Euro-FH // Zusammenfassung PEPS3
                                Robert Paul
                                PuKW STEP6 - Hummel (Sofort überprüfbar)
                                Tim Schröder
                                Vetie - Histo & Embryo P 2014
                                Fioras Hu
                                Vetie - Radiologie Übungs-K
                                Fioras Hu
                                GPSY ALPS (Lösung während dem bearbeiten sichtbar)
                                Mischa Kräutli
                                Vetie Reprospaß2
                                Tropsi B
                                Vetie Repro Bilderspaß
                                Tropsi B