Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Ethical issues (15)
- Advantages of the use of the
scientific method in psychology
- Empirical data
- Gained through direct
- Adv - people can make claims but
only way we know such things is
through empirical evidence
- E.g testing a drug
- Objective
- Systematic collection
of data is at the heart
of scientific method
- Adv - w/out
objectivity we have
no way of knowing
data is valid
- E.g Gardner &
Gardner used a strict
set of criteria to
make judgements
- Falsifiable
- Aim to falsify a
hypothesis (reject a
null hypo)
- Adv - not poss. to prove a
hypo correct, but poss to
prove it wrong
- E.g Freud's
psychoanalysis is
unfalsifiable. Validity of
theory is important!
- Controlled
- Ideal form is lab experiment -
allows causal relationships.
manipulation of variables and
control of extraneous
- Adv - if we can't
demonstrate causal, how do
we know what causes what?
- Replication
- Psycho. record and standardise
methods so they can be
- Adv - repeating a study is
most important way to dem.
- E.g Milgram's eco. validity was
confirmed through replication
- Disadvantages of the use of
the scientific method in
- Lack internal validity
- Investigator effects, demand
characteristics which
compromise the validity
- Disadv - observed effects may be
due to extraneous variables not
research manipulation
- E.g Milgram found obedience
decreased when 'victim' was in close
prox. to experimenter - NOT true in
Nazi death camps
- Reductionist
- Behaviour must be
reduced to a set of
variables -
categories are
operationalised in
experiments and
- Disadv - oversimplify
complex human behaviour -
no longer studying what we
intend to
- E.g Laing on schiz. claimed treatment can
only succeed if each patient treated
individually (idiographic)
- Individual differences
- Science takes a
nomothetic approach,
generalisations and finding
- Disadv - gender, culture, age
etc. are overlooked
- Most psycho. research has involved
American male college ppts. -
ignoring the poss. of unique
characteristics e.g higher intelligence
- Ethical issues
- Disadv - whether benefits
outweigh costs, if ethical costs
are 'excusable' the ppts may still
be harmed in some way
- E.g many people feel knowledge
gained in Milgram's study excuses
any harm to ppts. However, ppts
may feel their rights had been
- Ethical issues w/ human ppts
- Informed consent
- Basic right stemming from
inhumane experiments in
death camps WW2
- Having informed consent
threatens the validity of research
- demand characteristics,
especially important in
incidences of harm
- E.g Milgram's experienced
extreme distress - didnt have the
opportunity to decline to take
- Deception
- Honesty important ethical
principle breaches researchers
duty of care - deception
prevents informed consent
- E.g Rosenhan - hop staff
deceived about pseudo
patients may have lead them
to be mistrustful of patients,
not offering best treatment
- Right to withdraw
- If ppts don't have this - they
may remain in a study that
causes distress and harm
- Various circumstances
where they feel they
cannot withdraw
- E.g Milgram - 'the experiment
requires that you continue'
caused much physical harm,
seizures and digging fingernails
into skin
- Protection from harm
- Not always poss to anticipate harm
- E.g Milgram's extent of distress
was not predicted - 1% reaching
450V predicted
- Confidentiality and privacy
- Conf - trust that personal info
is protected. Privacy - right to
control flow of info about
- Diff. to establish what is private
- Observation of
ppts in
Breach of
privacy? Public
place - expected?
- Dealing w/ ethical issues w/ human ppts
- Presumptive consent
- Deal w/ informed consent/deception - similar group to ppts, tell full aims
and procedure, if they agree then assume that the sample would too
- E.g Milgram - 14 Yale Psycho students - 1% to 450V
- Punishment
- BPS can review research, deciding
whether to bar someone practising as a
- Not a legal matter, but affect's researchers livelihood
- Ethical guidelines
- BPS and APA have ethical guidelines & codes of conduct - tell psychologists what is not acceptable
- General as they can't cover every situation - CPA takes a diff. approach, hypothetical
dilemmas, encouraging discussion. 'I followed the guidelines so my research is
- Ethical committee
- Every institution where
research takes place has
one, must approve
research before it begins
- looks at poss. issues
and how researcher is
going to deal w/ them,
cost/benefit of research
- Cost/benefit are flawed -
subjective judgement, costs
not always apparent
- Debriefing
- Once completed, ppts should be informed of true
aims etc & offered opp. to discuss
concerns/withdraw data - compensate for lack of
informed consent
- Can't turn back the clock on any
physical/psychological harm, may still feel
- Ethical issues & animals
- Value of animals
- Several reasons why
research conducted on
- Fascinating - benefitting
- Greater control and objectivity
- Similar physiology and evolutionary
past to humans - generalisable.
Animals tested under stressful
conditions provide v little useful info
- Use animals when procedures would not be
poss with human beings, e.g. sensory
deprivation. Animals 'cost' less, benefits
outweigh costs to animals
- Existing constraints
- UK Animals Act (1986) requires research
takes place at licensed labs w/ licensed
researchers on a licensed project - 3
levels of regulation - only granted if...
- Potential results outweigh use of animals cost/benefit
- Research can't be done any other way
- Min. no of animals used
- Suffering kept to a min.
- 3R's Replace (animals) Reduce (no. used) Refine
(procedures to cause less suffering) - NC3Rs
national group to encourage use of 3R's
- BPS guidelines - many constraints created to
make research as ethical as poss. e.g. heed
3Rs, food regulation to their normal diet,
companion animals for social animals
- Dunayer (2002) argues guidelines sets standards for
imprisonment, enslavement etc of animals - similar to
American black slave laws
- Kilkenny et al (2009) - metaanalyes of 271 studies - 59% mentioned no.
of animals used, many reporting diff no. in method and results section of
report, many poorly designed
- No. of issues that should be addressed, heeding 3Rs,
more careful design, more accurate scientific reporting.
- Moral justification
- Gray (1991) - moral obligation to help humans first
- Singer (1975) utilitarian - greatest good for the greatest number,
animal research - speciesim
- Regan (1985) never use
animals - too have an
inherent value (absolutist)
- Sentience - do animals feel pain & emotion. Treaty of
Lisbon declared 'all animals are sentient'. Even if not, we
wouldn't use non-sentient human beings (brain
damaged) in research
- Ethical issues in applications
- Media
- BPS recognises demand for psychologists in
media - free contact service putting media in
contact w/ media-friendly psychologists. Many
ethical issues arise especially with TV. Created
document 'Ethical Implications for
Psychologists Working on TV'
- Informed consent - TV ppts
losing their privacy and right
to what may be used,
especially important w/
- E.g. Castaway (2000) fully informed of
implications to taking part, unaware
of repercussions, e.g. magazines
criticising characters.
- Manipulation - is psychologists duty to
protect ppts from any
physical/psychological harm that might
be greater than experienced in
everyday. Should not lie or withhold
info that they believe ppts are likely to
object to.
- E.g. Big Brother psychologist
resigned when asked to create
tension and stressful situations
on ppts
- Duty of care - BPS reminds
psychologists it is their duty
to treat ppts w/ 'highest
standards of consideration
and respect'
- Confidentiality - all
discussions between
psychologist and ppt
to remain private, not
on TV
- Professional
boundaries - not offer
advice on matters
outside their area of
- Military
- Improving interrogation techniques -key task to gain info from
the enemy, drawn on lots of psycho research
- E.g. Hebb et al (sponsored by CIA) - sensory
deprivation, volunteer students kept in
physical and social isolation, within days
started to experience extreme visual and
auditory hallucinations - much more
susceptible to propaganda
- Propaganda - develop propaganda campaigns,
presents facts selectively and form of political
- E.g. Vietnam War 1960's - American psychologists delivered
propaganda leaflets on anniversaries of relatives deaths to
decrease morale
- Training animals for warfare - using
conditioning techniques, recently sea
lions trained to attach cuff-like things to
enemy divers
- During WW2 behaviourist Skinner created
'Project Pigeon' accurately pilot missiles to
enemy ships
- Pos. influences - helping military cope
with stress and injury e.g. PTSD has
origins to WW1 as 'battle fatigue'
- Sherif et al - conflict resolution by
working together on superordinate