Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Time Management
- Process of organizing and
planning your time effectively
- Work smarter, not
- Get more done in
less time
- Steps to manage your time
- Analising your time
- Keeping focus
- Setting goals
- Scheduling your time
- Consequences of failing
manage time
- Missed deadlines
- Inefficient work flow
- Poor work quality
- Poor Proffessional
- Stalled career
- Higher Stress levels
- Benefits
- Greater Productitity
- Better Proffesional
- Less Stress
- Opportunities for
- Achieve ife and career
- Detect difficulties
- R-A-C Method
- Change
- 1. Prioritize
- Make a To- do list ranking the
activities in order of importance
- 2. Declutter
- Do not waste time looking
for unnecessary things
- 3. Schedule
- Set aside blocks of time for
individual activities with a
start and stop points
- Analyse
- Highlight the
chunks of time
you don't feel
use productively
- Pick out the 5
biggest time wasters
out of all them
- Record
- Write down everything you do in
your day and the time that it takes
- Preventing Procastination
- The Salami Technique
- Breaking down
the task to its
smallest parts
- Working
throught each of
them to get the
task complete
- Making Commitments
- Give yourself
deadlines to have
differents topics
- Each subject has a
specific date
- Reward Yourself
- Having a reward at the end
of the task will keep
motivation towards
completing it