Zusammenfassung der Ressource
3 - The Depression and Rise of Nazis
- In 1929 The American stock market crashed
- USA went into a massive economic depression which spread onto other
- Germany was particularly badly effected
- Asked Germany to repay the money they owed
- Economic collapse in Germany
- Buinesses went bankrupt, workers were laid
off and unemployment rocketed
- Hitlers ideas now had spcial relevance
- Is the Weimar government indecisive? Then
Germnay needs a stronger leader!
- Are reparations adding to Germany's problems?
Then kick out the treaty of versailles
- Is unemplyment a problem? Let them join army,
build armaments and be used for public work
- The Nazis 25 point programme was very attractive
to those most vulnerable to the Depression -
unemployed - middle class - elderly
- In 1930 election Nazis got 107 seats
- 1932 election they got nearly 200
- When Nazis were well established in power in Germany in the 1930s
Goebbels created his own version of events of 1929-1933 that
brought Hitler to power
- In this version it was his destiny to lead Germany and German people finally came
to recognise this
- Nazi campaigning
- Nazi campaign methods were modern and effective
- Relied on generalised slogans instead of
detailed policies
- Posters and pamphlets found everywhere
- Their rallies impressed people with
their energy enthusiasm and sheer size
- Talked about going back to traditional values
- At this time there were frequent street battles
between communists and the place however the SS
and SA gave an impression of discipline and order
- Hitler was the Nazis
greatest campaigning
- Hitler ran for president in 1932 and got 13
million votes to Hindenburgs 19 million
- Campaign raised his profile hugely