Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Origins of Language
- How did we get from animal vocalization( barks, howls, calls) to human language
- When did language begin
- At the very beginning of the genus homo. 125,000 years ago
- There are many theories about the origins of language
- Many of these have traditional names
- invented by (Max muller and George Romanes) a century ago.
- 1. The mama theory
- Easiest syllabes
- Attached to the most significant objects
- 2. The ta-ta theory
- Language may have derived from gestures
- Vocal imitation of movements
- 4. the pooh-pooh theory
- Began witth interjections
- Instictive emotive cries, like oh! for surprise and ouch! for pain
- 3. The bow-wow theory
- imitation of natural sounds
- moo, choo choo, crash, clang, buzz, bang
- 5. the ding-dong theory
- correspondence between sounds and meaning
- sound symbolism
- 6. The yo-he-ho theory
- Language began as rhytmic chants
- words like cut, strike, break, crush
- 9. The hocus pocus theory
- language may have some roots in sort of magical or religious aspects from our ancestors
- 8. the hey you! theory
- We have always needed interpersonal contact
- Language began to signal both, identity (im here) and belonging (im with you)
- cry out in fear, anger or hurt
- 10. The Eureka Theory
- Language was invented
- Ancestors had the idea of assigning arbitrary sounds to mean certain things
- 7. the sing-song theory
- language comes out of play, laughter, cooing, courtship
- Language
- System of symbols
- with levels of organization
- Phonetics ( the
- The syntax ( the grammar)
- Semantics (The meaning)