Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Religion and Science Mindmap
- The Big Bang Theory
- No time or
- No sound during explosion
- Scienists trying to figure
out what exactly
- A small atom explode
causing the big bang,
but where did the
atom come from
- Matter expanded
cooled and created the
- Universe
was born
- still many
- Other Theories
- Hubble : Discovery that
distant galaxies in every
direction are moving away
- Penzias and Wilson : Heard
an echo from the Bug Bang
from their satellite dish
- The Big Crunch : The idea that
the universe has a maximum
expansion and it will then
contract back to nothing
- Higgs Boson Particle and CERN:
Crashing of protons together to
see if they create a matter and
trying to disprove God as being
the creator of the Universe
- Origin
- Science explains that our world was
created by The Big Bang Theory. An atom
which came from the nothingness and
exploded causing it to form our universe
- Science explains
humanity through
evolution where we
evolved from apes.
- Religion explains our world
was created by God in 7 days.
- Religion explains Humanity
where God created Mankind in
his own image (Adam and Eve)
- Views from both sides and together
- Religion: 1) James Usher - 400
years? - Bible only refers back to
4000 years 2) Edumund Gosse -
Fossils trick us, it is God's test -
Literalist 3) St Thomas Aquinas -
Creation story is true 4) Ken ham -
Evolution has ruined religion, we
need to go back to the bible.
- Religion and Science : 1) John
Polkenghorne - Religion=Why?
Science=How? 2) Intelligent
Design - Everything has a
intelligent explanation - God
made The Big Bang Theory
occur 3) Darwin - Started off
questioning religion, but come
up with the evolutionary theory
- Science: 1) Richard Dawkins - Evolution
- No God - Happened by chance, religion
is out os date 2) Bill Nye - Too much
evidence from science for religion to be
true 3) Christopher Hitchens - Religion
is not necessary and was created by
man 4) Stephen Hawkins - God is
irrelavant due to science.
- Animals and the environment
- Religion states that Adam
was given responsibilty to
rule over animals
- Animals apparently
feel pain and loss
like us so we shouls
treat them equally
- We use animals for
medical testing
which benefits us
- God would want us
to look after his
creation of the world.
- The environment
should be treated with
more respect as it is
key to human survival.