Unit 1: Foundations in Health & Safety Part 2


NEBOSH Mindmap am Unit 1: Foundations in Health & Safety Part 2, erstellt von daniel.kelly am 18/10/2013.
Mindmap von daniel.kelly, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von daniel.kelly vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Unit 1: Foundations in Health & Safety Part 2
  1. Common Words:
    1. Duty of care - a duty towards others to protect them from harm from your acts or omissions that is reasonably foreseeable.
      1. Mandatory Duty - non-negotiable duty imposed by the organisation
        1. Absolute Duty- non-negotiable duty imposed by legislation through the terms of shall or must
          1. Practicable Duty- duty to comply that is limited by what is achievable when considering current knowledge irrespective of time, effort or cost
            1. Reasonably Practicable- cost/ benefit analysis or risk benfit trade off. Considering the time, effort and cost to implement measures to reduce risk.
              1. Prescribed Disease- specified ill-health contracted as a result of exposure to work related hazards
                1. Chronic- effect due to multiple exposures to small quanties over a long period of time
                  1. Acute- Immediate effect due to single exposure over a short period of more pronouced substances
                    1. Unsafe Condition - any hazard not involving the acts of an individual
                      1. Unsafe Act- Hazards involving the actions of people
                        1. Risk- the likelihood of harm occuring from a hazard
                          1. Risk Rating- The degree of risk
                            1. Risk Management - identify hazard and manage the risk by elimination or reduction
                              1. Negligence- failure to exercise duty of care considered reasonable
                              2. Moral, Leagl and Financial Reasons for H&S
                                1. Key Words:
                                  1. Moral - accidents resulting in injuries cause pain and suffering for those affected
                                    1. Legal - it is a legal requirment to safeguard H&S of workers and others that are affected by your activities.
                                  2. Reasons for preventing accidents:
                                    1. Poor business conduct
                                      1. Damage reputation
                                        1. Long term future of organisation
                                          1. Direct Costs - measurable costs arising from acciddent. e.g. insurance costs, claim from court, fines, loss of production, damage to equipment or products
                                            1. Claims from civil court or criminal, sick pay, repairs or replacement of damaged equipment or goods.
                                            2. Indirect Costs- these may arise as a consequence of an accident. e.g. lost time of employees, lost time of management, lost orders, corporate image damaged
                                              1. Indirect Costs- largly unknown. Loss of production, downtime machinery, difficulities in recruitment, increased overheads
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