

Relación de tema definido de la expo
Mindmap von santacruz.isabel, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von santacruz.isabel vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Climate Change
      1. Change
        1. "To give a completely different form or appearance to; transform"[4]
        2. Climate
          1. " Is the average weather in a place over many years."[3]
          2. Wealth inequality
            1. Sostainabilty
              1. "The great challenge faced by economies today is to integrate environmental sustainability with economic growth and welfare by decoupling environmental degradation from economic growth and doing more with less." [1]
                1. "Sustainability could be defined as an ability or capacity of something to be maintained or to sustain itself. It’s about taking what we need to live now, without jeopardising the potential for people in the future to meet their needs. If an activity is said to be sustainable, it should be able to continue forever."[2]
                2. Inequality
                  1. Lack of equality, as of opportunity, treatment, or status.[5]
                  2. Wealth
                    1. is the value of all the resources that are possessed by an individual or society.[6]
                    2. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
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