Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Second Language Acquisition
- Input Hypothesis - Stephen Krashen
- The most important question in language acquisition - "How do we acquire language?" "The same
- Comprehensible input
- anything to help language acquisition
- talking is not practicing
- BICS vs CALP - Jim Cummins
- BICS - basic interpersonal communicative skills
- discreet language skills - decoding skills
- rule-governed aspects of language
- converstaion flunecy - what kinds bring to school around ages 4-5; can respond to
questions; fluent in their language (basic)
- CALP - cognitive academic language proficiency
- our ability to produce increasingly complex aspects of the language
- Universal Grammar - Noam Chomsky
- States that all human language rests on innate blocks of expression - verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc
- Threshold Hypothesis - Jim Cummins
- bilingualism has positive effects on children
- Critical Period Hypothesis - Eric Lenneberg
- language acquisition is linked to age
- first years are critical period