Zusammenfassung der Ressource
History of Sport
- Ancient Olympic Games
- 776 BC
- Olympia, Athens
- In honour of Greek God, Zues
- Events
- Pentathlon
- Discus
- Javelin
- Long Jump
- Foot Races
- Wrestling
- Boxing
- Wrestling
- Racing in Armour
- Equestrian Sports
- Prizes
- Women
- Shields
- Meals
- Metals
- Athletes
- Only unmarried
women were
allowed to
- Men only
- Women set up their
own games
- Held in Honor of Hera
- Foot Races only for unmarried Women
- Popular Recreation
- Sports and
Past Times
- Eaton Wall Game
- Similar to
- 1717
- St Andrews Day
- Collegers vs
- Get the ball to the end
zone of the opposition
touching the wall
- Real Tennis
- 14th Century
- Popular among
the Gentry
- Doggett's Coat and Badge
- Worlds oldest rowing race
- Held every year since 1715
- Peasants
- Played occasionally
- Violent
- Alcohol
- Few Rules
- Few Tactics
- Gambling
- Gentry
- lots of Leisure Time
- Etiquette
- Sophisticated
- Rules & Tactics
- Equipment
- Festival Games
- Recreation in
Pre-Industrial Britain
- Time for sport
- Recreation limited
to Holy Days
- Local as travel
was difficult
- Used resources avaliable
- Revolved around
Religious festivals
- Church provided the
space and time to play
- Examples
- The Haxey Hood
- Haxey, North Lincolnshire
- Violent game played
in the Hoodlands
- 6th January
- Hood thrown in
crowd, person who
gets hood wins
- Ashbourne Mob Football
- Shrove Tuesday
- Ashbourne, Derbyshire
- Score in goal 3 miles apart in River
- Cheese Rolling
- Chase after Cheese
- whoever is first over line wins cheese.
- Gog Magog Olympik's
- Cambridge, 16th Century
- All through May, Ametuers
- Catholics inclined to
participate not Puritains.