Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- key words
- Mass tourism:-a lot of people
go to the same resort region
at the same time of year
- Tourism:-an activity where a
person volunteraly goes to a
place away from home and
stays there at least one night
- domestic tourim:-when
someone visits a place in their
own country
- increase in tourism
- more paid holidays-
people have more
time and money to
go on holiday
- higher salaries and more
disposable income-more
spare cash than they used
- cheaper travel-more affordable
- holiday
providers-companies use
internet to sell products
directly to people which
makes it cheaper
- increase life expectancy-
more older people retire
then migrate
- purpose built resorts- more
are being built that are not
dependant on the weather
- popular attractions
- cities- they contain
resturants, bars, theatres,
museums and good night
- Las Vegas, London, New York, Venice
- coastal areas- beaches for sun bathing,
sea for water sports, attractive
environment for walking and sight seeing
- Thailand, spain, caribean
- Mountain areas- spectacular views for walking and
scenery, also many actiities like rock climbing, skiing,
walking and white water rafting
- Alps,himalayas
- importance of tourism
- creates jobs for local people
- reasturants and hotels
- increase income of
buisnesses that suply tourisn
- farms that supply food
- poor countries tend to be more
dependant on tourist than rich ones
- tourism contributes 3% uks GNP and
15% of kenyas
- GNP- money produced in one year
- Life cycle model
- EXPLORATION- small numbers of people
are attracted to an area by the scenery or
culture. there arent many tourist facilities
- INVOLVEMENT-local people start providing
faacilities for torists. this attracts more
- DEVELOPMENT-tourist facilities and
accomidation is built=number of visitors
increases. the control of tourism usually
passes from locals to large companies
- STAGNATION-visitor numbers have
peaked. facilities are no longer as good.
tourists have had a negative impact on
thee environment which has made it less
- REJUVENATION- invesment, advertising,
new facilities attracts new tourists
- CONSOLIDATION-tourists facilities and
hotels support large numbers of tourists.
still part of local economy but numbers
are beginnig to level off
- DECLINE- fewer visitors come to an area as it
is less attractive = causes it to become shut or
run down. tourists seek new, unspoilt,exciting