Zusammenfassung der Ressource
first brigade comander
- second comander and boss to higher state first brigade
- intelligence chief
- intelligence analyst
- Chief to external network
- warrant officer administrative
- staff to file
- chief to operations
- warrant officer to operations
- warrant officer to instruction and training
- warrant officer to statistics
- staff to file
- chief to logistic
- chief to plans
- Chief to agreements
- warrant officer to real estate
- warrant officer to environment
- staff to file
- Chief to integral action
- journalist
- Warrant Officer to integral action
- company to integral action
- staff to file
- juridical chief
- Warrant Officer to human rights
- juridical adviser
- staff to file
- counterintelligence chief
- warrant officer to counterintelligence
- Chief to external network
- staff to file
- chief of internal control
- secretary
- staff to file
- chief of telematics
- Warrant Officer to Communications
- Warrant Officer of TICS
- staff to file
- director of health
- doctors
- specialist doctors
- auxiliary
- chief to preparation of force
- secretary
- staff to file
- chief to human resourses
- Warrant Officer personnel administrator
- warrant officer to ups and downs
- warrant officer to work histories
- staff to life folios
- staff to file
- secretary