
Mindmap am JUEGO GERENCIAL, erstellt von Felipe Alzate Gonzalez am 14/02/2021.
Felipe Alzate Gonzalez
Mindmap von Felipe Alzate Gonzalez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Felipe Alzate Gonzalez
Erstellt von Felipe Alzate Gonzalez vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. UNIDAD 1
    1. The role and direction of human resources
      1. It is the set of activities that are carried out among a certain group of people who rely on the performance of various tasks for the same purpose, which is important that this area is the most important because human talent is the fundamental basis for a organization works well, there is an efficient organizational climate, all the rights of employees are taken into account, excellent hiring, remuneration, vacation rights, receiving incentives and keeping the work team motivated, training is provided to acquire knowledge respecting the roles of each. Economic efficiency: It includes the achievement of objectives allows a production and distribution of goods and services, higher performance, better contribution to the collaborator. Social efficiency: Allow the full satisfaction of the collaborator, which is everyone's commitment to achieve a harmonious and pleasant environment at work, generates greater productivity, adaptability and quality in the product and / or service.
        1. Eight major areas of responsibility
          1. Strategic management area: It is the responsibility of directing the organization, directing strategically and allowing decision-making in the implementation of part of the objectives and strategies, it allows the generation of employment, it is vital, for the rest of the areas. Personnel administration area: It includes the set of activities that are supported by business administration and everything related, having clear policies and operational support. Labor relations area: It includes the management of the relationship with the representatives of the collaborators, negotiations, problem solving, social benefits, organizational representation. Employment area: Allows hiring management, having relation with the labor market. HR management area: It refers to the relationship between the employer and the collaborator, it is the most important area of ​​a company, ensuring that there is an efficient organizational climate environment for the achievement of all objectives with th
              1. It allows an analysis of business decision-making, taking as an objective the study research in relation to the technological, political, socio-economic, cultural, legislative environment and the company, taking into account the structure, processes and everything that relates to the company .
                  1. It refers to the set of management measures that allows greater effectiveness and efficiency in the processes, through good practices in terms of human talent, we find seven best human resources practices: Job security. Selective hiring of personnel. Teams whose basic principle is decision-making. High remuneration, contingency organizational results. Broad training. Reduction of distinctions and obstacles of resources and materials of need. Active participation of the company in general, financial information and results.
                      1. Strategy is a high understanding of the importance of knowledge, intuition and the human condition in strategy, and understanding strategic responses, whether they are appropriate or not, there is always uncertainty, it all depends on our human behavior. It is important to ask appropriate questions which helps us in a social and business context.
                          1. It is vital to ask the right questions, it is important in strategic thinking, addressing high-level problems and of primary need is they are strategically for all organizations, it allows us to address a competitive environment, it leads us to achieve objectives.
                            1. Es vital encontrar las respuestas apropiadas para las preguntas que constituyen las piedras angulares de la estrategia. Las preguntas se deben tener en cuando cambian las condiciones que puedan perjudicar la capacidad de la organización a la hora de competir.
                                1. Situational understanding deals with various perspectives in management texts, relating positions between positivism and the idea of ​​reality in the external environment through reasoning and objectivity and social constructionism, it is based on reality through d the interpretation in relation to sensation, reflection and intuition.
                                  1. STRATEGIC ANALYSIS
                                    1. The strategic management process: Strategic Analysis. Analysis of the environment (external analysis): It allows to detect the changes that occur in the environment, their advantages or disadvantages Analysis of the company (internal analysis): It allows a diagnosis of the organization, such as the organizational culture, implies having knowledge and a sense of belonging to the company, the SWOT diagnosis external analysis: (opportunities and threats) Internal analysis: (strengths and weaknesses) The strategic analysis allows to have a balance in the organizational environment.
                                        1. It is understood that organizations do not cling to just one way of strategizing New base of wealth and creation of value: Each time they find an expression in the form of intangible assets. New emerging organizational form: It refers to new forms of organization through new creations of value and wealth New rules of engagement: The creation of value and wealth is based on technological advancement, the internet.
                                          1. Mintzberg (2009). It proposes a classification scheme for the formation of the strategy includes basic steps for the institutionalized mature company, the entrepreneurial, the emerging and flexible and the professional.
                                            1. STRATEGY ORIENTED TO DISCERNMENT IN PERSPECTIVE
                                              1. It has been analyzed how strategic thinking evolves from the formulation of a strategic question and the construction of reality through the appropriate analysis of the problems and the insights about the analysis, the intuition in response to the problems and how it reflects the competitive context .
                                                1. ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
                                                  1. This process allows organizations to be proactive, it is the common benefit.
    2. UNIDAD 2
      1. Business Marketing
          1. Marketing, economics and business: Marketing is a discipline that allows planning, setting prices, promoting and distributing the provision of services and the development of products, the process of planning and executing the price, promoting the distribution of ideas, for the satisfaction of people's objectives and the organizations, The social and administrative process is obtained what is wanted and needed through the products and / or services.
            1. El ciclo circular de la economía The circular cycle of the economy
              1. It refers to the exchange of resources such as salary, interest by law, investments among others, companies with the acquired resources can develop products and offer services and there is a commercial transaction, the circular way allows the economy to work, it depends on regulation of the system either for taxes, health services, security, public registry, education, subsidy for public services, roads, telecommunications, etc. Marketing's mission is to make the system work.
                  1. Marketing segmentation is the division of the total heterogeneous market related to the product and / or service, it is divided into small groups and subgroups, it is important to know the needs of people, making a marketing plan will make the use of resources more efficient and to be able to compete in an organizational world in constant change, when segmenting a market, the following must be taken into account:
                    1. THE PRODUCT
                      1. It is a good or service that satisfies the customer's need. Each product has a life cycle. Stages of products Development stage: Research and design the product. Introduction stage: Low sales, high costs, high prices, low net profits, few competitors, great distribution, promotion and advertising efforts. Growth stage: rapid growth, good profits, precise lows, increased competitors, advertising, improvements, production methods. Stabilization or maturity stage: Increase and decrease in sales, changes in the product, the segmented market, brand loyalty, advertising and promotion, difficult situation. Obsolescence or decline stage: decrease in sales, number of competitors, promotion efforts, decrease in points of sale, effective strategies, lower prices.
                        1. THE PRICE
                          1. The price-utility relationship is like a balance on one side is the price of the product and on the other side the utility and service.
                            1. COMMUNICATION
                              1. Marketing communication is made up of advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and personal selling.
                                1. THE SALE
                                  1. It is the purpose of every business that is able to sell products and services The stages of the sale:
                                    1. DISTRIBUTION
                                      1. In relation to the product in the market there are three types: exclusive, selective and massive or intensive distribution.
                                        1. INVESTIGACION DE MERCADOS
                                            1. Profile and main tasks of a sales manager Great salespeople have great oral skills, know the necessary techniques, effective communication in writing and digitally, know how to listen, they have better organization and perform their functions among other skills.
      2. UNIDAD 3
        1. Business Strategies
              1. Nature of the diagnosis: allows to know the advantages and disadvantages of companies, to know their growth and development potential, being clear about their strengths and weaknesses, their opportunities and threats, the strategic diagnosis allows improvements in the effectiveness of the processes in order to achieve the objectives and proposed goals, having clear knowledge, mitigating investment of time, resources and efforts.
                  1. General background of strategic management Evolution of strategic management, is times when man integrated groups of hunters in search of food from animals, the real strategy.
                    1. STRATEGIC ANALYSIS
                      1. Internal analysis of the company: The description and definition of the organization is developed in relation to the mission, vision, values, strategic objectives, diagnose the situation of the company in an integral way, where it is possible to detect weaknesses and threats, in order In seeking continuous sustainable improvement, a strategic approach must be made to the strengths and weaknesses of the company.
                        1. Strategy formulation
                          1. External analysis of the company: Formulating strategies is to achieve an analysis based on an external environment of the company and its internal situation, focused on economic, demographic, political, legal, and government regulation areas.
                            1. Nature of strategic leadership
                              1. Leadership is vital for business success or failure, a leader must know how to communicate their objectives and goals and allow an efficient organizational climate in internal and external areas.
                                1. ETHICS
                                  1. It has fundamental characteristics such as being a philosophical discipline, that the objective of study is morality, human normative the order of good, it allows reflections on what is good and what is not. Strategic management control.
                                    1. FUNDAMENTALS OF BUSINESS STRATEGY
                                      1. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES
                                        1. Albizu, E. & Villareal, O. (2013). El proceso de dirección estratégica: Análisis Estratégico. (p.p.), 153–198. En Dirección estratégica de los recursos humanos: teoría y práctica (2a. ed.), Difusora Larousse - Ediciones Pirámide. recuperado de https://elibro-net.bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co/es/ereader/unad/49054?page=154 Tovstiga, G. (2012). Estrategia en la práctica: La guía profesional para el pensamiento estratégico. (p.p.), 99–140. recuperado de https://elibro-net.bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co/es/ereader/unad/66741?page=100 Prieto, H. (2009). Gestión estratégica organizacional: guía práctica para el diagnóstico empresarial. (3a. ed.). Bogotá. Ecoe Ediciones. Recuperado de https://elibro-net.bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co/es/ereader/unad/69160?page=35 Manrique, G. (2016). Evaluación de indicadores financieros. (Vídeo) Recuperado de http://hdl.handle.net/10596/9052 Céspedes, S. (2010). Principios de mercadeo. (5a. ed.). Plan de Marketing. (p.p), 27-42. Ecoe Ediciones. recuperado
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