Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- English Language
- sister
- cake
- happy
- law
- names of week
- Literary
- Writing Sagas
- developed system of language
- wrote on tombs
- Politics/Government
- The 'thing'- all
free males
allowed to vote
- most followed
Jarl's vote
- 'Lawspeaker'
elected (Jarl) carried
out decisions
- 'thing' held in
special area
- Imagery
- Blonde
- ferocious
- brave
- long-haired
- warriors
- Ship Building/Crafting
- good at building
Long ships
- buried in 'boats'
or boat shapes
- homes built of wood,
stone, blocks of turf
- Leif Ericson
- son of Erik the Red
- first European to
North America
- Chief of Norway
after father's death
- Discovered Vinland
- Religion
- Thor
- Woden
- Freya
- Converted to
- Conquests & Trade
- 1. Why did they raid- poor,
pillage-boat improvement,
slaves & silver
- 2. Why successful-clever,
resourceful, good navigators
- 3. Why settle- effective
conquerers, hard to get rid of