

Mindmap von 31517, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von 31517 vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. English Language
    1. sister
      1. cake
        1. happy
          1. law
            1. names of week
            2. Literary
              1. Writing Sagas
                1. developed system of language
                  1. wrote on tombs
                  2. Politics/Government
                    1. The 'thing'- all free males allowed to vote
                      1. most followed Jarl's vote
                        1. 'Lawspeaker' elected (Jarl) carried out decisions
                          1. 'thing' held in special area
                          2. Imagery
                            1. Blonde
                              1. ferocious
                                1. brave
                                  1. long-haired
                                    1. warriors
                                    2. Ship Building/Crafting
                                      1. good at building Long ships
                                        1. buried in 'boats' or boat shapes
                                          1. homes built of wood, stone, blocks of turf
                                          2. Leif Ericson
                                            1. son of Erik the Red
                                              1. first European to North America
                                                1. Chief of Norway after father's death
                                                  1. Discovered Vinland
                                                  2. Religion
                                                    1. Thor
                                                      1. Woden
                                                        1. Freya
                                                          1. Converted to Christianity
                                                          2. Conquests & Trade
                                                            1. 1. Why did they raid- poor, pillage-boat improvement, slaves & silver
                                                              1. 2. Why successful-clever, resourceful, good navigators
                                                                1. 3. Why settle- effective conquerers, hard to get rid of
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