Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Mind Map
- Botanical
- Trees
- Red wood trees
- Pine trees
- Plant life
- Flowers
- Daisy
- Roses
- Violets
- Rainforest
- Animals that live there
- Apes
- Toucan
- Rain patterns
- How often does it rain there?
- Does it only rain in certain areas?
- If so where?
- How frequently?
- What is impacted by this?
- Animals
- Environment
- Humans
- Where do they live in the rainforest?
- How?
- What do they do?
- How do they interact with everything?
- Food we get from rainforest
- Coffee
- Chocolate
- Animals
- Endangered
- Polar bear
- Feelings
- In animals?
- In humans?
- How can we be happy?
- What is the science behind
- Mind
- What happens when we aren't happy in our minds?
- How?
- Why?
- Does environment play a role in this?
- If so how?
- How can you change it?
- Do you want to change it?
- Why?
- How?
- How can we change the environment to make us happier?
- Can plants make us happy?
- Can plants be physically happy?
- How?
- Evidence?
- Can plants feel?