Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Dysfuntional Behaviour
- Treatments
- Behavioural - McGrath
- Treatment of a noise phobia using
systematic desensitisation
- Biological - Kane
- Treating schizophrenic
patients with Fluphenazine
- Cognitive - Beck et al
- Comparing cognitive treatment to dug therapy
(cognitive treatment was more effective)
- Explanations
- Cognitive - Beck et al
- Cognitive distortion in patients with depression
- Biological- Gottesman & Shields
- Adoption and twin studies
into schizophrenia
- Behavioural - Watson & Rayner
- Inducing fear through classical
conditioning (Little Albert Study)
- Diagnosis
- Catagorising dysfunctional behaviourso
that professionals are able to diagnose
disorders appropriately and give the
correct treatment
- DSM- Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Health
ICD - International Classification of\Diseases & Related
Health Problems
- Definitions - Rosenhan & Seligman
that is not seen very often in society
society doen't approve of a behaviour it
is considered dysfunctional
positive view on yourself - Be capable of some personal growth -
Be independent and self-regulating - Have an accurate view of
reality - Be resistant to stress - Be able to adapt to your
functioning in a way that enables them to live independently
in society they they are considered dysfunctional
- Sex Bias - Ford & Widiger
- AIM: To find out if clinicians were stereotyping
genders when diagnosing disorders
- METHODOLOGY: Self-report where
practitioner is given a scenario and has to give
diagnosis. IV - Gender of patient in scenario
DV - Diagnosis made by clinician
- PARTICIPANTS: 354 clinical psychologists from
1127 randomly selected from National Register
- Stress
- Causes
- Workplace - Johansson
- Workplace stressors can produces varying degrees of
stress i.e. work-load, pace of the work or role conflict
- Hassles & Life events - Kanner
- Effect of life event on hasseles
and uplifts in the p's life i.e. death of close one
- Lack of Control - Geer & Maisel
- Lack of control over given situation. More control = less stressful If
perceived control or actual control can reduce stress
- Measuring
- Combined - Johansson
- Physiological - Urine sample (adrenaline levels)
Self-report - mood and alertness
Quasi-experiment - IV was their job
- Physiological - Geer & Maisel
- Galvanic Skin Response Ability to control stimulus
(photo of crash victim) reduces stress
- Self report - Holmes & Rahe
- Given self-repot
- Managing
- Cognitive - Meichenbaum
- SIT (compared to systematic desensitisation & a
control) P's are taught positive statements and
relaxation methods
- Social - Waxler-Morrison
- Relationship between social relations and survival
of breast cancer Employment and marriage were significant
- Behavioural - Budzynski
- Biofeedback - P's learn relaxation technique
and get EMG feedback (muscle tension)
- Healthy Living
- Health Campaigns
- Fear Arousal - Janis & Feshbeck
- consequences on
emotions and fear
appeals in
- Legislation - Dannenberg
- AIM: To review the impact of the passing of a
law requiring cycle helmet wearing in children
- METHODOLOGY: Natural experiment
- Media Campaign - Cowpe
- AIM: to test the effectiveness of an
advertising campaign informing people
how to deal with chip-pan fires )
experiment (I.V where people live)
- PARTICIPANTS: People living in
the television areas
- PROCEDURE: Campaigns were shown on T.V. Two 60 second
adverts were shown. The adverts were show once but three
areas (Granada, Harlech & Tyne Tees) were show reminders a
year later.
- FINDINGS: The net decline in each are was between 7% and 25%.
Largest reduction was in Tyne Tees of 33% during campaign, then
17% then 15% Seemed that ad had less impact if seen more than
once. Questionnaire showed awareness was 62% before ads and
then 90-96% after campaign (in Yorkshire)
- CONCLUSION: The campaign proved effective as shown
by the reduction in chip-pan fres. Behaviour change is
seen most during the capaign
- Theories of Health Belief
- Health Belief Model - Becker
- Mothers adherence to a drug regime
for their asthmatic children
- Locus of Control - Rotter
- P's who feel they have control over situation
are more likely to show coping bahaviour
- Self-efficacy - Bandura
- Self-efficacy of patients undergoing
systematic desensitisation in relation to a
phobia i.e snake
- Adherence
- Hypertensive Patients - Bullpit
- Review research on adherence in hypertensive
patients - adhere if benefit outweighs cost
- Fluoxentine for Depression - Lustman
- Efficacy of treatment for
depression in diabetics
- Improving adherence - Watt et al
- Using a Funhaler can improve children
adherence to asthma medication