Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Evolutionary Explanations
of Aggression
- AO1 Jealousy
- Human brain has been
shaped by natural and
sexual selection
- Natural: enabled ancesters to have selective
advantage, increased chances of survival,
ability to reproduce and pass on genes
- Sexual: competition for mates and
development of characteristics
that ensure reproductive success
- Male sexual jealousy is the result
of natural and sexual selection
- Frequently cited cause of violence and aggression
- Males have developed many strategies
to deter partner from adultery
- Men are at risk of cuckoldry
because of parental uncertainty
- Jealousy is adaptive and
evolved to prevent infidelity
and minimise risk of cuckoldry
- AO2 Jealousy
- Miller
- 55% of women in a hostel for 'battered wives' said
jealousy was main reason for partner's violence
- Dobash and Dobash
- Victims of domestic violence cited
extreme jealousy as key cause
- Grisvevicus
- Males exhibit more direct physical abuse
whereas women exhibit more indirect aggression
- Adaptive, consistent with EEA;
females stay out of harm's way
- Evidence for sex differences in aggression
- AO1 Infidelity
- Male retention strategies
- Force himself on partner against
will (sexual coercion or rape)
- Assault wife who has
become pregnant by another
man (forced termination)
- Murdering wife
- AO2 Infidelity
- Not all men act the same
- Evolutionary approach is deterministic
- Solely down to genes and evolved responses
- Reductionist
- Solely focused on MALE retention strategies
- Archer
- Women carry out physical assaults
on partners just as often as men do
- Gender bias