Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Robbery: S8 Theft Act 1968
- AR
- Theft AR
- Force
- use force/seek to put in
fear of force being used
- immediately
before/at time of steal
- subjectively then and there
- used on any person
- in order to steal
- MR
- Theft MR
- Intention
for force
- Robinson, one element of
theft missing, no conviction
- Dawson, jury decides
whether 'force' has been used
- B & R v DPP, boy did
not fear force being
used but D still liable
- Hale, timing -
continuing act
- Clouden, wrenching a
bag from a hand is force
- Lockley, using force to escape
can still be at time of theft
- Bentham, if intention to
create fear, don't matter
if threat wasn't real