Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Parts of Speech
- Two categories
- Major class: -nouns,
verbs, adjectives,
- They carry most of the content or
meaning of a sentence.
- Minor class: -auxiliary verbs,
prepositions, pronouns,
deteminers, conjuctions
- Plays a more structural role in a sentence
- Nouns: Is the name of a
person, place or thing
- 3 Types
- Common nouns
- nouns referring to a kind of person, thing, or idea
- Count / noncount nouns: take the plural inflection
- Proper nouns: names for
unique individuals or places
- Collective nouns:A small number of
nouns that refer to groups
- Verbs: A word that denotes
an action or state of being.
- verbs follow nouns and may be
followed in turn by adjectives,
adverbs, or other nouns
- Adjectives: it describes or
denotes the qualities of
- commonly occur between a determiner and a noun, or
after be or other linking verbs, they can also follow a noun
- The function of adjectives is to
modify or complete nouns.
- Two adjective types:
- attributive, which precede nouns.
- Ex. The old bucket sprang leak.
- and predicative, which follow linking verbs
- Ex. He became angry at the very thought.
- Adverbs: modify verbs and
contribute meaning of various
sorts of sentences
- Direction: Jim pointed there
- Location: Isabelle shos locally
- Manner: the choir sang joyfully at the auditon
- Time: Soon Rachel will retire
- Pronouns: refer to or replace nouns and noun phrases within a
text or as direct reference to an outside situation
- Subject
- Object
- Reflexive
- Possessive
- Demonstrative
- Determiners:refer to that special class of
words that limit the nouns that follow
- Articles
- Demonstratives
- Possessive determiners
- Prepositons: connect words to
other parts of a sentence
- Conjuctions: are words that join.
- coordinating conjunctions, such as and, but, and or,
which join elements that are grammatically equal