The Economic Problem- The nature and purpose of Economic Activity


A Levels Economics (Unit 1, 1 The Economic problem) Mindmap am The Economic Problem- The nature and purpose of Economic Activity, erstellt von beth2384 am 20/10/2013.
Mindmap von beth2384, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von beth2384 vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The Economic Problem- The nature and purpose of Economic Activity
  1. Central purpose of Economic Activity
    1. production of GOODS and SERVICES to satisfy our needs and wants
      1. If we can organise a system meeting needs and wants more efficiently then we could INCREASE ECONOMIC WELFARE
    2. Questions and economic system attempts to solve
      1. WHAT should we produce?
        1. HOW should we produce it?
          1. For WHO should it be produced?
          2. Some (less obvious) examples of economic activity...
            1. DIY
              1. subsistence farming
                1. producing and eating your own crops to live
                2. barter
                  1. occurred in olden days: e.g. trading 2 chickens for a sheep
                  2. consumption of clean air
                    1. consumption of the natural environment for leisure and recreation
                      1. e.g. running around a field
                    2. What does production create?
                      1. CONSUMER GOODS
                        1. bought by PEOPLE for the purpose of FINAL CONSUMPTION, satisfying needs and wants
                          1. e.g. clothes, food, jewelery
                            1. CONSUMER DURABLE products are consumer goods with a long average life during which they deliver a 'stream' of consumer services, e.g. a washing machine
                              1. NON-DURABLE consumer goods include washing powder, it needs replacing after it has been used
                              2. CAPITAL GOODS
                                1. bought by FIRMS for the purpose of PRODUCTION (unmanufactured goods)
                                2. SERVICES
                                  1. INTANGIBLE economic goods (can't be felt or seen)
                                    1. Can be COMMERCIAL SERVICES (aka INDIRECT)
                                      1. e.g. banking, insurance
                                        1. through firms
                                        2. Can be DIRECT SERVICES
                                          1. e.g. hairdressing, teaching
                                            1. straight to people
                                        3. The Structure of Production
                                          1. 3 main sections-
                                            1. PRIMARY SECTOR
                                              1. SECONDARY SECTOR
                                                1. TERITARY SECTOR
                                                  1. produces services e.g. transport, financial services and education
                                                  2. raw materials transformed or manufactured into goods
                                                  3. raw materials extracted, food is grown
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