Miller makes the audience feel both sympathy for and dislike of John Proctor


Mindmap am Miller makes the audience feel both sympathy for and dislike of John Proctor, erstellt von Aamir Hussain am 20/10/2013.
Aamir Hussain
Mindmap von Aamir Hussain, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Aamir Hussain
Erstellt von Aamir Hussain vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Miller makes the audience feel both sympathy for and dislike of John Proctor
  1. First Impressions
    1. Catharsis
      1. Power/Domination
        1. Relationships
          1. Abigail
            1. Elizabeth
              1. Trying to smooth out the bumps in their relationship, only seem to succeed in driving themselves further apart.
                1. Awkward conversations with no sentence lasting more than a few words.
                  1. Use lots of questions adding suspicion mainly seen in Elizabeth’s speech
                    1. Lack of honesty
                      1. John’s true emotions are shame and sorrow for what he has done even if Elizabeth fails to realize it.
                      2. Mary Waren
                        1. Other Characters
                        2. Defense of Dignity/Name
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