Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Ideologies of Rule
- Sir William Jones
- Founded the Asiatic Society of Bengal in 1784
- a polymath who worked closely with Indian scholars
- discovered that Sanskrit, Greek, Persian and Latin all shared common roots
- Orientalism
- Jones' ideology
- sought to capture and preserve India as it was at its height
- James Mill
- father of John Stuart Mill
- never came to India but
him and his son worked
for the company all their
- Utilitarian follower of Jeremy Bentham
- Utilitarianism is the belief that the
purpose of the goverment was the
greatest happiness of the greatest
- Indian languages and law were stagnant,
superstitious and irregular the needed to
be replaced
- explained view in History of British India (1818)
- Thomas Babington Macaulay
- Utilitarian
- advocated for
teaching Indians in
- promoted Anglicism
- thought Indians need to reject all Indian
norms, practices, and languages to be
- defamed Indian literature
- sought to create Indians who were "English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in
- Company forbade missionaries from
entering its territories
- 1st American
missionary to come to
India around 1812
- promptly imprisoned when he landed at
- William Carey
- Baptist missionary worked from Danish
Settlement of Serampore
- conversions were small
- Missionary Influences
- Missionary schools
educated children
- Christian critiques of
Hinduism prompted spirited
debates, defenses and
- 1813, relaxed ban