Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Legal Revolution- Phase
- Step One- 30th of January 1933
- Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
- Leader of the largest party in the Reichstag
(They had 196 seats at that time)
- Germany was beguinning to recover from the Great
- Opposition to Hitler was weak and undivided
- His obstacles still to overcome
- Hindeberg was sill more powerful than
- Article 48 was till up his sleeve
- The army were loyal to Hindenburg
- The Reichstag
- Didn't have 50% of votes
- Socialists, Communists,Nationalists and the Liberals
- The cabinet. 17 members, 3 Nazis'
- Von Papen promised Hindenburg to watch Hitler
- Trade Unions, Gave power to the working
- Provincial Parliaments, 17 Provinces, each has it's own Parliament
- The Reichstag Fire- 27th February 1933
- Hitler called for fresh elections after becoming Chancellor. Increased
- Dis-credit left wing and exploit Communists and they had to co-rule with
another party.
- Hitler used Prussia to get support through Goering (66%). SA
- Cencorship
- Marinus Van der Lubbe (Communist Leader) was found on
scene; blamed, arrested, and found guilty
- Hitler exploited Hitler's fears
- 44% of votes (288 seats)
- General Election (5th March 1933
- Nazis' Communists hated Weimar, Centre Party supported
the Republic (Catholic Party), Social Democrats supported
the Weimar Republic
- Communists decreased
- 100 down to 81 seats
- Highest Nazi vote ever obtained
- No parliamentary majority
- Still very short of the 67%
- Enabling Law
- The day of Potsdam- 21st March 1933
- Didn't have 67% so he needed the support of
the ZP and SPD
- Religous service mark opening of new
- Marriage of the old and new- The
Kaiserreich and the Nazi Regime.
- 2nd and 3rd
- Used knowledge to
appease the two
groups by using
German history and
saying he would
protect the Church
- The Passing of the Enabling Law- 23rd of March 1933
- Total control on forming laws and no
need to check in with the Reichstag to
pass them
- Four years
- Communists members in jail, he needed the ZP
- Promised he'd abolish the 'Protection of People and State' so they agreed
- Social Democrats voted against
- Act as a dictator