Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Nonlinear Regression
- General Nonlinear Population
Regression Function
- Assumptions
- 1. Zero conditional mean
- 2. (X1,...,Xk,Y) are i.i.d.
- 3. "Enough" moments exist
- 4. No perfect multicolinearity
- Polynomials in X
- How to interpret coefficients?
- Plot estimated
regression function
- Calculate the estimated
effect on Y associated with
a change in X
- How many degrees
- Hypothesis Testing
- If I don't reject Ho:
coefficient out of regression
- Increase the degree
- More flexibility into
regression function
- Reduction in precision of
the estimated coefficients
- Logarithmic functions
of Y and/or X
- Linear - Log
- Formula
- Interpretation of coefficient
"after and before rule"
- 1% change in X is associated
with a change in Y of 0.01beta1
- Log - Linear
- Formula
- Interpretation of coefficient
"after and before rule"
- A change in X by 1 unit is
associated with 100beta1% change
in Y
- Log - Log
- Formula
- Interpretation of coefficients
"after and before rule"
- 1% change in X is associated with a
beta1% change in Y; beta1 is the elasticity
of Y with respect to X
- Linear vs. Nonlinear
- Interactions between variable
- Between 2 binary variables
- Include D1xD2 as a regressor (so
that the effect of D1 depends on D2)
- Between Continous and Binary
- Include DxX as a regressor (so that
the effect of X to depend on D)
- Between continous variables
- Include the interaction term X1xX2 as
a regressor (so that you allow the
effect of X1 to depend on X2)
- We want to allow the effect of a
variable to depend on the other
- Questions that might arise
- Are there nonlinear effects?
- Are there nonlinear interactions?